I’ll Fix Your ‘Post’ For You!

Meanwhile in Ensenada……………

As I was busy working away on a post, Onyx the Schnauzer mix plopped his paws on my leg and kissed the back of my hand when I reached down to pet him. This is generally his way of telling me that he’s hungry and wants his kibble.
Well, I made the ‘mistake’ of telling him that I would get right on it after I finished this post for the WDT. While appearing to accept my compromise, with my back turned to the Wifi modem, I didn’t catch this ‘sly dog’ as he shut down the power to the unit! It was like he was telling me……..Ok cabron, I’ll finish your ‘post’ for you right now!
So, as it would take a bit for the modem to flash back to working order, I went ahead and fed Onyx, Avena and Pinkie. I am still shaking my head at how I was just outmaneuvered by a dog!

Anthony Cota


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